понедельник, 29 декабря 2014 г.

How and what to live in the country?

On the earnings in the village.

How and what to live in the country?

Anyone who, sitting in office, wants to go to the village rests on the question: where there is money to take.

On the one hand, in the village life is significantly cheaper. Just because there are no temptations. When the nearest store four kilometers, the nearest kiosk burned two years ago, and the restaurant have to go into town - the money fly at a slower speed. And another. On the other hand, no money can not live.

The main item of expenditure moved to the village dweller - repair. This is forever. Bought a house, stripped wallpaper fifties issue - it's time to glue and paint. Completed repairs - it is necessary to build a veranda. A veranda - soul asks bathhouse. Bathhouse erected - now need a hothouse. The beauty is that the repair and construction in the village - not a disaster, but a hobby that can be practiced slowly and in a fun, upon receipt of the money.

Where did they go?

There is a myth that the village has no earnings, because and runs more or less able-bodied population in the city. In fact, now everything is a little different. Today I will tell you how and where to get money come in large numbers from different cities, and take their earnings where rural natives.

The first way to get money - to grow and impose brooms (also age-old fishing here), grow onions or potatoes, and to hand over all the same dealers. Earth feeds.

Some former citizens also feed on the ground. One of my neighbor keeps an apiary, another family on the same street with enthusiasm spreads varietal bird - from pheasants to turkeys. Four years ago, these urban kids were familiar only with cats and dogs, and now they have to service yard with frightening speed fruitful and multiply clean animals. In general, plans to create a family mini-farm. For chickens and guinea fowls them come all the way from the Eagle and Kursk. Still other immigrants from milk do: buy from the population and is processed into cheese, butter and cheese. All of this is sold in the city in their own pavilions. Another option peasant labor requires some initial investment: you can buy a tractor mowers, plows and harrows. Then throughout the year will not rebound from wanting you to come and plowed, mowed-transported. Tractor drivers here people respected.

The second way to make money in the village - building. I have already mentioned that there are all doing repairs and construction. Therefore, any finisher, tiler, welder or bricklayer will always be with orders and money. Local peasants usually lazy, and therefore are difficult to put together a team of cheerful nondrinkers. But those who are not lazy, earn as well as urban. A good friend of mine, father of many children from the neighboring village, also a former citizen office, built himself a carpenter's workshop and making furniture. Enough money and a horde of children, and to build and update the fleet of the family, and passion for thoroughbred horses. Furniture business is so good that in the village joiner every second of resettled. Other teamed up and bend of the rod iron fence. Others bought vibrostanok and little by little make paving and building blocks.

Some of the residents have moved to the village trying to save for a city job. One neighbor, veterinarian, rebuilt itself schedule a day after three, and wander back and forth from "village-Voronezh" for several years. To get to his work, need an hour of time: as much he spent to get there is with the Left Bank in traffic jams.
But to go into the city so often - fun for everybody. Too different states of the need for life here and there. Nevertheless, it is quite a way to feed my family.

Finally, praise the Internet, in the village you can do virtual work. Write articles and books, writing advertising copy, sculpt and cheat programs bookkeeping. The farther away, the less value is the physical location of a freelancer. Some of the editors, for which I write the lyrics, never in my life I have not seen. This does not prevent us to cooperate fruitfully, and I regularly get their fees.

One of my neighbors is doing fine handmade jewelry and sells them worldwide via the Internet pages. Another funny knit hats - and they are also well diverge.

And among other things, the village has a job to which you can also walk five days a week, as well as in the city. With appropriate education can get a place in a hospital or medical assistant's point, the management of the collective farm, at school or at the post office.

The moral of my current column is simple: if there is the desire and the ability to earn something to learn, no money in the village, no one sits.

But the village is changing the very meaning of money. And some of the moved there comes a relief from the oppressive values of a consumer society that at some stage they go to austerity. Props cabin logs, stoked with wood, eat from the garden, gather mushrooms in the nearby forest and work just enough to have enough for bread, milk and sunflower oil. And only when the meal was over. One-time part-time living village there is always: someone dig up the drain hole, someone sawdust dry trees in the garden. The city has a way of life would have been almost marginalized and would be induced to thoughts of everyday alcoholism. And there is not to have a garden. In the village of the same owners of this lifestyle quite decent respectable people who will not hurry, neither of which are independent (except that from the power supply, and then a little bit), and have a wonderful luxury, almost inaccessible to citizens: free time and rest.

воскресенье, 28 декабря 2014 г.

Alien bitten them.

This story has been repeatedly covered in the Karelian media. It stems from the fact why was closed summer camp for students on the shore of Lake Karelian Shonktozero. And not only closed, but residents of nearby villages and the village council of the district administration were evicted, and the area cordoned off.
As we told the participants of these events, the boy's father Andrew A. He asked not to be named, so as feared persecution, his son told him that a walk in the woods children have witnessed the collapse of a strange object, he crawled out of the strange creatures circle was fire
flame was almost to the heavens, the teacher and the children were able to pick up one of the creatures, and brought it to the camp to help him, he was about 30-40 cm. height, with a big head, big eyes, sharp teeth "as pike" (as a child told his father), had a tail like a lizard. In the children's camp on duty to change doctors injected essentially pinitsilin,
so as he had suspected pneumonia. Immediately after this strange dwarf attacked doctors and two teachers and bitten them. He also bitten the child from the second group. Bites were so severe that adults and a child had to be hospitalized with suspected poisoning.

Being able to kill a broom and transmit the district, who made a couple of his pictures. That night at the camp attacked gumanoydy who came for his brother. It is known that he was bitten by the camp director, two nurses, the aliens were 4-5 individuals, children evacuated to a medical unit, was caused by the police, huntsman of Hunting with dogs. When on the causes of mass poisoning of children's camp personnel became known to the authorities immediately shut down the camp, came to the place of the security services, the police, some scientists. All change
went home, the cause of the poisoning was indicated poor quality fish. As the father of the child, his son saw in the woods, where the children saw a UFO crash, arrived some people in suits and silver jumpsuits, on their backs were rucksacks with flamethrowers. In the future, the whole area was cordoned off, nearby villages were evacuated. As for the body of a stranger, it was transferred to the Karelian Research Institute, studying its history uchenye.Eta strongly hushed up by the authorities, as in fact, no one wants to recognize the cause
closing the camp, all the information is classified as Top Secret. The boy's father learned all this through third parties. because began to walk the chain of command and is preparing a lawsuit to the court, that he returned the money 12 000 paid for the rest of the child. It was then that he and advised not to stir up the case.

четверг, 25 декабря 2014 г.

"Машезерский пришелец" или Как делаются интернет-сенсации.

"Машезерский пришелец" или Как делаются интернет-сенсации.

"Машезерский пришелец" или Как делаются интернет-сенсации.
История о самом знаменитом в мире кабачке.

Сия статья есть некое аналитическое исследование создания интернет-фейка
мирового масштаба на собственном опыте. Почему я говорю мирового
масштаба? Потому, что историю "Машезерского пришельца" освещали
крупнейшие западные СМИ, газеты, интернет-сайты, интернет-телевиденье,
не говоря уже про рунет. Я привожу в статье ссылки на самые авторитетные
ресурсы, которые мне известны. Многих я, конечно же, просто не знаю. Их

Это история о том, как мною была создана настоящая международная
НЛО-сенсация, история про то, как бабка нашли на даче тело
НЛО-пришельца. По запросу "alien corpse" (труп пришельца) в гугле эта
тема до сих пор на первом месте. Историю можно рассматривать как некое
пособие по созданию интернет-фейков для юных любителей розыгрышей и

Ведущие мировые НЛО-ресурсы так или иначе освещали этот вопрос, "Машезерский пришелец"
находится в одном ряду с самыми известными уфологическими феноменами,
байками, которые можно найти в сети и СМИ. По запросу "тело пришельца"
поисковики выдают в первых рядах фотографии именно моего "Машезерского пришелеца"
как поисковик
Яндекс, так и Гугл и другие как на русском, так и на английском языках. Я
видел статьи и на японском и китайском, итальянском, немецком и других

Поисковик Яху

разместил статью про "Машезерский феномен" аж в разделе своих новостей.
Именно как сайт, а не как поисковик - источник ссылок на другие

вторник, 23 декабря 2014 г.

Клоун вязаный, мягкая игрушка, сделана в Петрозаводске.

Клоун вязаный, мягкая игрушка, сделана в Петрозаводске.

Клоун вязаный, мягкая игрушка, сделана в Петрозаводске, высота
10-15 см, материал - шерсть, одежда (при наличии таковой) вся вязаная,
цвета могут быть разные, глаза - пуговицы. Нос-пуговица.


Можно заказать мягкую игрушку - Клоун вязаный в Петрозаводске в
индивидуальных цветах. Срок исполнения вязаной игрушки в Петрозаводске в
среднем 5-7 дней. О сроках исполнения заказа связать конкретную мягкую
игрушку можем сообщать отдельно.

ЦЕНА - 800 рублей.

Заказ - 63-94-71 (телефон в Петрозаводске). 

пятница, 19 декабря 2014 г.

Машезерский пришелец

Машезерский пришелец

пришелец - легендарное существо, которое совершило аварийную посадку в
деревне Машезеро, республики Карелия! Усилиями не меннее легендарной
пенсионерки Марфы Егоровны он был помещен в холодильник, где хранился,
пока его не выкрали представители спецслужб. Дальнейшая
его судьба неизвестна, но, по нашим данным, он совершил героический
побег из лап ученых и сотрудников спецслужб и теперь патрулирует район
Машезера на своём летательном корабле, ожидая сигналов из центра.
благодаря Машезерскому пришельцу о существовании Карелии, как родины
уникального феномена узнали миллионы читателей крупнейших западных
газет, таких как Дейли Мейл, Миррор, крупнейший британский таблоид "The
Sun",английский Медиа-ресурс, таблоид Мetro.co, не говоря уж о всех ведущих российских СМИ.